Dr. Koray Feran is the Clinical Director for the London Centre for Implant and Aesthetic Dentistry in West London. He has been running a private practice dedicated to Periodontics and Implant Dentistry for over 20 years. He was introduced to Hu-Friedy instruments at University and continues to use them to this day.
“I find the IMS System very easy to work with, the cassettes organise the instruments in such a way that specific kits are always to hand. Instruments don’t get lost or damaged in cassettes” – says Dr. Feran. “Both the cassettes and the instruments are still lasting the distance, their value is unquestionable”.
Dr. Feran highlights that during the sterilisation process, instruments don’t have to be scrubbed since they are held and cleaned in the cassettes. This system is much safer, as it reduces the risk of sharps injuries and punctures, especially for assistants who handle the instruments during reprocessing. This reduction of manual intervention also saves time during each reprocessing cycle.
“I think it’s nice that the Cassette System allows full automation: the nurses are not sitting there scrubbing each individual instrument which is obviously very time consuming”, says Koray. “The cassettes as a whole can be soaked, ultrasonically cleaned, put in the thermo-disinfector and finally sterilised without the nurses having to be there and look after the instruments. It actually saves a great deal of time.”
The assistants really appreciate the coloured rail system that allow them to easily identify different types of kit according to procedural need. They know exactly what’s where and the labelling system allows them to see which procedure the cassette is for. All of this makes their workflow faster and more efficient.
“Using the Hu-Friedy Cassette System, all our kits are pre-made for each procedure, rather than hunting for individual instruments chairside” – says Koray’s nurse, Anna. “Different coloured silicone rails are used as identifiers for each surgery, so we also know which kit belongs with which Surgeon.”
Dr. Feran is also pleased that the Hu-Friedy IMS System contributes to positive patient experience when in his practice. The professional and smooth workflow between surgeon and assistant using well organised kits, inspires confidence and trust.
“When someone comes here, we bring everything in front of the patient and we explain how it goes through the sterilisation process” – says Koray. “They are interested to see that everything we need is in one tray and we are not taking anything from the drawers, we are not running into different rooms. They know we thought about it, we organised the kits, that everything is to hand. This professional organisation lets them feel comfortable. They know they can trust us.”
With a revolutionary and ergonomic new hole pattern for optimal use in thermo-disinfector, the IMS Infinity Series Cassettes are made of long-lasting, low-maintenance stainless steel. Available in different sizes, configurations (Ortho, Bone Spreading, Surgical, Diagnostics and Prophylaxis, etc.) and colour options, they can be specialised to meet the clinic’s needs.
Photo credits: Dr. Koray Feran
Check his website here