
HuFriedyGroup Resources

HuFriedyGroup Product Catalog

Discover the full range of our products and services inside our General Catalog.





October 10-27-23
Ergonomics in a Scaler

The choice of a particular ergonomic design of a hand scaler or curette can have strong implications on hygienists and patients. 

August 08-22-23
Orthodontic Catalog

Engineered to provide unrivaled clinical outcomes, our ergonomic designs ensure the comfort and confidence of both you and your patients. This results in a relaxed, calm environment that satisfies patients, parents and practitioners alike.

March 03-15-23
More Than Ortho

It’s more than just an ortho routine: starting from observationtowards bonding, controlling, fixing retainers and debonding, we have the correspondent IMS™ Cassette for each step of the orthodontic treatment.