Centre de ressource COVID-19

Dernières mises à jour pour votre cabinet dentaire


Alors que la pandémie du Covid-19 provoque un impact sans précédent sur notre vie quotidienne, il y a toute une série d’incertitude sur l’avenir et sur ce qui est nécessaire pour rester proactif et prêt. Dans le monde dentaire vous êtes nombreux àvous poser des questions et même si la situation est certainement un defi, il existe des solutions. Les patients et les procédures étant temporairement suspendus, il existe des moyens de se concentrer sur la productivitéet la proactivité.

La prévention des infections est plus que jamais d’actualité. Faites-vous tout ce qu’il est possible afin de fournir un environnement sécurisant pour vos patients et votre personnel ? Si vous n’utilisez pas encore des systèmes de management des instruments (IMS), le moment est peut-être venu d'envisager ce système sûr, conforme et efficace d'organisation et de retraitement des instruments.




What is it like to go to the dentist in the post-C...

What is it like to go to the dentist in the post-COVID19 era? Dr. Carlo Poggio offers an overview of what needs to be done in order to gain patients’ trust again. His clinic has been considered a landmark of infection prevention for almost 20 years, due also to the advanced workflow standardization systems used: the Hu-Friedy IMS Cassettes.


As COVID-19 causes practices to revise their infec...

As COVID-19 causes practices to revise their infection prevention procedures, we already have the ultimate solution: the Instrument Management System (IMS). For decades, practices have used IMS for safe, sterile, and efficient instrument reprocessing, but some have not always considered it a necessity. That’s wrong. According to Dr. Molinari, the IMS System is the best way to protect the safety of patients and staff alike in a concrete, visible way. Learn why IMS is now more critical than ever as you work to get patients back in your chair.


The spread of COVID-19 continues to be the most pr...

The spread of COVID-19 continues to be the most prominent and pressing topic in world news and you need to stay up to date on the latest information so you can keep your patients and practices safe. Resources from European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control (ECDC), Centers for Disease Control (CDC) and World Health Organization (WHO), as well as dental-specific resources upon the specific European Countries Regulations that we have created to break down the information and support you further. This page will continue to be updated with new information as it becomes available.



DO YOU KNOW HOW TO KEEP YOUR PATIENTS SAFE? Preventing and controlling the spread of infectious diseases is very important in the dental community. Follow our advises on how to reduce the risk for patients of contracting infectious disease. Standard precautions, instrument and device safety, hand hygiene, clean surfaces, protective equipment (PPE) and water quality are the main topics!



A CLINICAL PERSPECTIVE ON CORONAVIRUS AND IMPORTANT INFECTION CONTROL CAVEATS IN THE DENTAL HEALTHCARE SETTING - WEBINAR ON DEMAND This webinar will review the current state of the ongoing COVID-19 outbreak as well as evidenced based strategies necessary to mitigate transmission to dental healthcare professionals and patients. The program will review a common sense approach to ensuring safety and also ensuring continuity of clinical operations within individual practice environments.



WEBINAR ON DEMAND - BEST PRACTICES FOR PATIENT COMMUNICATION WHEN REOPENING THE PRACTICE Both the team and the patients need to be prepared to function efficiently within the new practice parameters. This course includes developing a questionnaire for patient screening prior to their appointment, protocols for checking patients in for their appointment, pre and post treatment protocols and post treatment follow-up with patients.


Over the last ten weeks, we have looked at how we ...

Over the last ten weeks, we have looked at how we can help your practice staying in good shape in order to be prepared for reopen. We focused on education, information, and tools we designed to better face the COVID-19 emergency altogether. Now we want to provide specific clinical and fiscal solutions designed to help you create a safe and efficient environment for both patients and staff.


Do you know what needs to be done once the pandemi...

Do you know what needs to be done once the pandemic is over? Will you be ready when patients come back to your dental office to ensure their safety as well as dental staff’s? Hu-Friedy has the solutions that helps you minimize the exposure to cross-infection and blood borne pathogens during daily procedures to be the best in practice for infection control and prevention.


From administrative to clinical to infection preve...

From administrative to clinical to infection prevention tasks, there’s a lot you can and should be doing to keep your practice in good shape. Part one of this post will examine best practice recommendations for temporarily closing an office as well as what can be done during this interim downtime. Part two will then detail steps for reopening the practice for all procedures.


Nous avons réuni des consultants en prévention des...

Nous avons réuni des consultants en prévention des infections et en contrôle de conformité pour une présentation tous styles qui répondra aux questions les plus courantes sur le COVID-19 en ce qui concerne les pratiques dentaires. Les consultants examineront les nouvelles recommandations du CDC concernant le dépistage des patients, les exigences en matière d'EPI et la gestion des pénuries de produits, ainsi que la protection des patients et des équipes dentaires contre la contamination par les aérosols et les gouttelettes. Le webinaire est présenté sur demande dans un format de questions et réponses.


Bien que cette situation soit certainement un défi...

Bien que cette situation soit certainement un défi, il existe des solutions afin de maximiser votre temps et de rester rentable. Les patients et les procédures étant temporairement suspendus, il existe des moyens de se concentrer sur la productivité et la proactivité. C'est un moment difficile pour tout le monde et bien que vous ne puissiez pas venir au bureau, nous sommes là pour vous aider à tirer le meilleur parti de ce temps afin que vous puissiez continuer à être le meilleur dans la pratique lorsque les pratiques rouvriront.


Ce cours fournira aux professionnels dentaires en ...

Ce cours fournira aux professionnels dentaires en pratique privée et administrateurs de l'enseignement des informations sur les stratégies pour réduire le risque de transmission communautaire de COVID-19, exploiter votre entreprise sous des restrictions croissantes, gérer les besoins urgents de vos patients et communiquer avec votre patients, employés et autres partenaires essentiels.