Zero Tolerance in Microsurgery

The present course is a follow-on from the Expert Course in Periodontal & Periimplant Microsurgery and targeted at selected professionals who are already experienced with microsurgery. By means of metric-based simulation training, the participants are introduced into a new approach to the acquisition of procedural-based microsurgical skills.
Out of different surgical exercises, the participants will practice a root end surgery (RES) in a multirooted upper molar. RES crosses multiple clinical specialties with each bringing a different skill set to the training table. Besides a thorough cognitive understanding of apical and periapical anatomy and diseases, the trainee has to overcome considerable psychomotor and perceptual problems before even learning to perform periodontal keyhole surgery safely.
Join the Zero Tolerance Course and learn how to improve specific psychomotor and visual-spatial abilities and how to overcome fundamental proprioceptive-visual conflicts in technically-demanding microsurgical interventions.