Published on März 03-07-19

Posteriors - Directs & Indirects

Posteriors - Directs & Indirects
Moderator: - Dr.Paolone e Dr. Scolavino
Konservierende Zahnheilkunde
Rome, Italy
October 11-12 2019


Shape and anatomy of 1posterior teeth
Optical properties of teeth and composites related to posterior teeth Central structures - Peripheral structures
Cusp reduction: when
Direct or indirect? Decision making process
Class I and I
Shade selection in posteriors
Preparation princip es in posteriors
Layering techniques in posteriors (simplified, hybrid, complex) Modeling techniques in posteriors (additive, subtractive)
The use GIC or CaOH2 bases in contemporary adhesive dentistry
How to achieve a good contact point. Matrices, wedges and rings. How to select
Low viscosity and high viscosity bulk fill, ,materials
Finishing and polishing1 direct posteriors Silicon indexes in posteriors
Preparing for on lays and over lays….and more!


Drawings of anatomical tables of all 8 posterior teeth Class I and II preparaf on
Class I and II on models and/or on natural teeth (single, multiple and adjacent cavities)
On lay prepara ion
Overlay preparation
Overlay modeling in compos·te by the participants On lay and Overlay cementation