The Palatal Implant + an update on Surgical Wound Closure

A versatile new method for provisionalization in the upper arch
The palatal implant has been proven as a reliable and long-term stable absolute anchorage for various purposes in orthodontic treatment. Its ease of insertion, low complication rate and minimal invasiveness makes it predestined for the retention of fixed provisionals for replacement of one or multiple missing teeth. As implant supported provisionals are non-removable and esthetically pleasant, they are highly accepted by patients. Additionally, they can easily be unscrewed and adapted by the clinician so that they do not interfere with the soft tissue healing after surgical interventions.
Based on more than 10 years of own experience with the application of palatal implants as an anchorage for provisionals, in the present course, we show you how to select the ideal insertion area, how to fix the implant and how to fabricate the provisionals. Besides the biological backgrounds, we will show you all the tips and tricks how to adjust the provisionals during the treatment and how to remove them easily at the end.
- Anatomical and biological background of the palatal site (bone and mucosa) for implant installation
- Presurgical diagnosis for ideal site selection
- Presentation of palatal implant systems
- Surgical procedure
- Postsurgical maintenance
- Impression and prosthetic treatment
- Implant retrieval
- Literature data & hands-on exercises
From basic science to the latest suturing techniques
Proper closure and stabilization of wound margins are critical events that influence the success of any surgical outcome. Mucoperiostal and/or mucosal flaps positioned to cover periodontal or periimplant defects require careful tissue management and adaptation owing to the fact that the wound comprises several interfaces of tissue that differ fundamentally in composition. Hence, healing in periodontal and periimplant defects following flap surgery are conceptually more complex processes than is wound healing in most other sites in the body.
In modern plastic surgery, it is evident that suturing receives a higher degree of attention in situations where mechanical stability of the flap is required in order to maintain the integrity of the wound.
The present course focuses on the biological aspects of the utilization of sutures in attempting primary wound closure and the role of suturing in providing wound stabilization. Besides the scientific background of suturing and wound healing, you will become familiar with the latest suturing techniques.
- Biological aspects of wound healing
- Tissue reactions and trauma from suturing
- Importance of wound stability and wound integrity
- Suture materials and alternatives
- Principles of suturing/visual-spatial skills
- Recommendations for appropriate suturing
- Hands-on exercises on a different bench and animal models