Titan Implantat Reinigungsinstrument Mini Five #11 / 12

Titan Implantat Reinigungsinstrument Mini Five #11 / 12


Hu-Friedy's Titanium Implant Scalers are expertly designed and manufactured for implant maintenance, debridement, bio-film removal and can be used both Supra and Subgingival.
77,90 €
Ohne MwSt
Preisempfehlung in EU
Titanium Implant Scalers are made from the same titanium alloy as implants and abutments for implant maintenance, debridement and biofilm removal. These instruments feature increased visibility from teal colored anodized titanium, optimized sharpness with finely honed cutting edges, and the ability to be sharpend to increase the useful life.
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