Mundschutz 3 lagig mit Bändern - Hellblau

Mundschutz 3 lagig mit Bändern - Hellblau


3-Layer face mask with strings, 50/Box
12,00 €
Ohne MwSt
Preisempfehlung in EU
Surgical Line TYPE IIR Masks Omnia. Spiritus Plus® face masks feature three-layer non-woven, fluid-resistant fabric. Layers are sealed on one side through an ultrasound procedure preventing bacteria migration. Furthermore, the hypoallergenic and glass-fibre-free non-woven fabric (NWF) ensures a high bacterial filtration efficiency (BFE) and a very low breathing resistance (Δ P). The adaptable nose bar in aluminium follows the whole length of the face mask. Spiritus Plus surgical face masks comply with the EN 14683:2005 European standard.
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